[rick@msc.cornell.edu: AFS 3.3 ftpd security problem]

Perry E. Metzger (perry@snark.imsi.com)
Fri, 08 Apr 1994 06:59:11 -0400

Thought some people might want to know.


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>From: rick@msc.cornell.edu
Message-Id: <199404072102.AA20420@jaguar.msc.cornell.edu>
Subject: AFS 3.3 ftpd security problem
To: info-afs@transarc.com (AFS Mailing List)
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 17:02:50 -0400 (EDT)

The AFS version of ftpd shipped with version 3.3 has a serious security
problem on RS6000's.

I don't know whether the problem exists on other architectures.

You should use one of the AFS 3.2 versions of ftpd until Transarc can
come up with a fix.

I will not go into the details here for paranoia's sake.

If you want details, you should contact Transarc.

|Rick Cochran                                                607-255-7223|
|Cornell Materials Science Center                    rick@msc.cornell.edu|
|E20 Clark Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853          cornell!msc.cornell.edu!rick|
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